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Curses placed on you: Expression & Communication

 There is energy that confines you in your daily life. To people who are not observant or 'awakened'. You would never know there was a different or other.  The best example comes from myself and my experience. Generational curse or something plaguing me from my youth. The energy that closed my throat and made talking and expressing myself... hell. Before I get to the main experience. I do want to talk about throat curses and how they do definitely exist. It feels like something else has a hold of your throat and you have an inability to express yourself and truthfully. You say words that aren't yours. You don't really mean what you say or say what you mean. I was trying to talk to someone very dear to me and feeling like I was completely blocked off. None of the words I wanted to say came out and if they did, they were skewed. So skewed, it felt like it was best not to say anything at all. That is a feeling of helplessness that is hard to avoid. It can even feel like an

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